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Color Links


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56 support issues

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Ken Lj (VichusSmith)

May 7, 2024

Colors are failing to change on sites that used to

I don't know what has happened recently, but I noticed that link colors aren't changing on sites that used to show the change before.

Vic Micallef

Dec 23, 2023

Color Links not working on Chrome

Hi. I have added the Color Links extension to Chrome but it doesn't work. I'm disappointed as I need the color of visited links to be clearly different from non-visited links. Without an extension like Color Links it is very difficult for me to distinguish between visited and non-visited links. This makes my browsing experience very frustrating by clicking on the same link multiple times. The extension works on Microsoft Edge, but my preferred browser is Chrome, so I would be grateful if the issue preventing it from working on Chrome could be fixed. Some extra colors would also be useful, such as a true red and green, rather than the pastel shades offered.


Aug 22, 2023

Windows 11 compatibility

Hello! I've loved your extension and have used it for years with Win 10. My partner just bought a laptop with Win 11 on it and I added Color Links to it, but it doesn't seem to be working. Is this to be expected or is there something else I have to do to get it operational?

Kaitlin Morrison

Aug 16, 2023

Resetting Visited Links

How do I reset previously visited links to unvisited? I am using this to keep track of things I need to do on a daily basis, but can't seem to figure out how to reset visited links to default. I have tried clearing my cache, browsing history, cookies, etc etc but it isn't resetting. I am using chrome on windows 11.

Suat Suha

Aug 9, 2023

Google Color Links extention not working !

Dear Sir
I have windows 10 with all the updates. My browser ist Google Chrome, Version 115.0.5790.171 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit).
Last couple of weeks I explored your chrome extention Color Links, which was much helpful for color change of visited pages in google search. I enjoyed it !
I am not sure, but possibly since a week or ten days after updating chrome browser, unfortunately it doesnt work. I tried many ways, but without any sucsess.
I would appreciate any kind of help.

Paul D'Andrea

Apr 2, 2021


Kudos!!! For using Rush as your screen to showcase the App!!!

Tábor Góth

Mar 11, 2021

synchronized links stopped to become colorized

Dear Developer, thank you for this wonderful extension. I started to use it on two computers, with the same google account, I synchronize the history. I see the visited links in history with all computers, but only that links get colorized what I visit on the actual computer. Can I do something about it? Getting all the links be colorized, no matter what computer was putting it into the history? Thank you for answering and for this very useful extension.

Bets F

Dec 29, 2020

Resetting back to 'zero'

I love Color Links (& use green). However, every time I log into Chrome, every link of been to in the past shows as green. I want to be able start over with ALL links reset to blue, then turn on color links and only have new visited links turn green. In other words, I dont want to just shut color links off, only to have it - when I turn it back on - recolor all the old visited links to green again

How do I do this?

Brian Weitz

Nov 24, 2020

How I got it to work

This was a mystery to get to work. Here's how I did it (last ditch effort before uninstalling it).
1. To the right of the Address Bar, there's an icon for Extensions (looks like a puzzle piece). Click it.
2. It shows a pop up with a list of your Extension programs.
3. Whether you Pin it or not, click "Color Links".
4. This should pop up a small window with some color dots. Click one to make that the color of your visited links. You can also hit the pound sign to type in your own value.
5. Then make sure the toggle switch is on teal (with button slid to the right).

gökhan demirkiran

Nov 5, 2020

it didnot work for me, or I dont know how to use it.

it didnot work for me, or I dont know how to use it.

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