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用了好几个视频变速的,这个是最符合我的心智的了。 就是希望快捷键能够添加组合键或者是非英文字母。 抖音里面的快捷键冲突了无法加速视频
- 举报非法内容
这个扩展非常棒! 我有一点小建议, 每次播放视频时'Counter'就出现在视频界面上, 能不能隐藏呢, 如果能直接隐藏的话就更好了; 或者让他更快的隐藏, 比如0.5秒; 通过快捷键控制速度, 让界面看起来更清爽; 非常感谢你. This extension is great! I have a little suggestion. Every time you play a video 'Counter' appears on the video interface, can you hide it, it would be nice if you can hide it directly; or make it hide faster, such as 0.5 seconds; control the speed by shortcuts, make the interface look more refreshing; Thanks a lot.