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Highlight Magic


31 ratings


26 support issues

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Miriam Medina

Jun 10, 2024

Exclusive/Excluded Pages Issue

The character limit on the Excluded/Exclusive pages is preventing me from using it. Overall, though, great extension!

Heather Mannick

Feb 1, 2024

The update clear out all my customizations!

I loved this app! It was nice to customize different colors for separate keywords within one list, easily toggle it on and off if I'm screen sharing. Since the update, ALL my customizations have cleared out and I'm just defaulting to one color combination. This is not as helpful as the old version.

Cristopher Gore

Feb 1, 2024

new update

i love this extension and i have been using it for almost a year but the new update caused a lot of issues, i use the highlighter on youtube livestream chats to highlight my friends usernames but for some reason some names randomly stop getting highlighted in chat, i have also noticed when i use @ to type their name and tag them, the highlighter completely stops working. the update also caused all the colors in the list to be wrong, they have the correct colors in the chat but the list has random colors.

Jean-Raymond Civetta

Nov 7, 2023

sync error message

i had this message QUOTA_BYTES_PER_ITEM quota exceeded when i tapped the sync button
what does this means?

Pietro Speroni di Fenizio

Nov 6, 2023

multiple words same highlight

I would like to suggest the possibility to assign to multiple words the same colors. This could be done by listing all the words in the same line.
For the rest, great work, thanks

Rob K

Oct 5, 2023


Thank you for creating this extension. I was wondering if it is possible to import a text file with a list of words? currently this doesn't seem to work but would be a great feature.

Geogina Tang

Sep 25, 2023

I can't "Export Lists" on Brave browser

When I try to "Export Lists" on Brave browser, it's not work at all, but It's works on Chrome browser.
Is there any solution of this bug?

David Barouh

Sep 9, 2023

Not respected excluded list

Another bug report : it seems the excluded list isn't respected, at least for XHR request.
Going from a mail to another in Gmail mobile (on desktop, yes), is very slow, because I have a ~big list (200+) of highlights. So I excluded "*" (the mobile site), but HM was still executing. Then I excluded "*" thinking the XHR were on another domain, but same thing, HM ran. I think there is two options here : first, if a site is excluded, every XHR even to others domain are excluded too. Or, second, each domain are to be inputed in the excluded list, but in that case, it should be noted in the info bubble.
I'm waiting patiently for your next version, and again, thanks for your work :)

Pål Alvsaker

Aug 19, 2023

Performance issues

I'm having very brutal performance issues on a high end computer when using the extension on the following page: (especially upon scrolling down to autoload more entries).

I tried with shorter lists too, still issues. Regex is off and whole word matching is on. The list has 300+ entries.

Chrome is becoming unresponsive after a while, but i'm never exceeding more than 15% CPU usage on my system. The tab is using about 80-90% of Chrome's CPU load. Memory footprint seems low and reasonable.

Any suggestions for troubleshooting?

David Barouh

Aug 10, 2023

Export and default color

First of all, great work !
But I noticed a couple things that are issues, or could be better :
- The export function doesn't seem to work (I got a file sized 0 B). Kubuntu 20.04, Chr 108.0.5359.40, HM 1.1.2
- New words, when added to a list, use a random color. Having a default color per list would be welcome
- ~Long (200+ entries) list are slow to load visually. Maybe loading them and only then displaying them would be better ?
- Copy pasting a list of words to a new list would be nice to have
- And finally, a dark theme for the extension would be nice to have too
Of course, I'm not putting any pressure on you to fix/do those, I appreciate the work you have already done. I'm just pointing out things I noticed, just in case :)

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