Custom New Tab Custom New Tab control for Chrome. Set custom new tab of your Chrome browser. It is minimalistic page without news…
Custom New Tab Custom New Tab control for Chrome. Set custom new tab of your Chrome browser. It is minimalistic page without news feeds, recommendations, advertising, complex images. By clicking "Add to chrome" you accept and agree to installing "High-Custom New Tab" extension and setting Chrome default search to that provided by the service and the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The extension will update your search settings and will change your search engine to be powered by Bing. 🚀 Features ⭐️ Custom backgroung color ⭐️ Search Bar (Bing / Google search machines available!) ⭐️ Time and Date comfortable availableon the new tab Help us to improve our custom new tab. If you have any trouble or suggestions email us at Terms of use: Privacy policy: EULA: Contact us:
- Versione45
- Ultimo aggiornamento:9 settembre 2022
- Dimensioni654KiB
- LingueEnglish
- SviluppatoreSito web
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