Comments to Cats blocks comments from top websites and literally, transforms them to cute, chubby cats.
Comments to cats is a comment blocker extension designed to block comments all across the web. It blocks comments on all popular websites, including Youtube comments. Just add the extension and it will block and replace for you those toxic comments with one of our special cats. After installing it on your browser, you can choose on which websites the extension will be activated on, enabling comments blocking on every page. Also, you can always toggle the comments on, if you wish to. But why? Besides loving cats, If you wonder why one would want to block comments, the answer is simple. There are many legitimate comments and discussions, but there are also plenty of hateful, toxic and commercial ones that should be removed. With this new extension, you can choose when and where to block comments if you have no interest in reading them. Important to know! this comments blocker extension can show YOUR cats and block the sites you like us to block with the images of your cute cats. If you enjoy using our extensions, want to suggest a new website for the index or to send us your own cat, you can contact us via various channels: Email: info@commentstocats.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CommentsToCats Website: http://www.commentstocats.com We hope you'll have a great experience with every cat you'll meet, Comments to cats team.
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- Версия4.2.9
- Обновлено17 января 2020 г.
- Размер1015KiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
- РазработчикСайт
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etaylib@gmail.com - Не продавецРазработчик не указал для себя статус продавца. Просим клиентов из Европейского союза обратить внимание, что на сделки между вами и этим разработчиком не распространяются законы о защите прав потребителей.
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