Item logo image for Amazon Prime Video - Rotten Tomatoes Overlay

Amazon Prime Video - Rotten Tomatoes Overlay


18 ratings

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8 support issues

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Jürgen Andreas ANTON

Aug 30, 2023

Prime Video unter linux

wo findet man Amazon prime video? die Erweiterung für Chronium Browser funktioniert nicht.

Rosalba Rosalia Cilia

Oct 19, 2021

prime video sport

non riesco a scaricare correttamente la app

J A Hall

Sep 16, 2021

amazon pthe app will not load on my machine prime app is not as it should look

not looking for rotton tamatoe gimmicks just the app itself please.

michael r moen

Aug 21, 2021


is this like amazon prime. all the apps on my dell chromebook are dfferent then all my other devices

Vankirk, Dev

Apr 12, 2020


If the extension is not lighting up in the top right hand corner where the extension icon is located, that means that the URL you are connecting from has not been added to the list of supported domains. Feel free to post the URL you are attempting to connect to the prime video service from with here and I will add it to the list of supported domains.

Vankirk, Dev

Sep 14, 2020

Hello George. Support for the UK has been added and should work when connecting from the URL you posted. Thanks for the comment.

John Giffin

Sep 8, 2020

For anyone using Amazon Smile ( the "www" in the URL changes to "smile", as in:

(I know thy have Amazon smile in multiple regions, but not all.)

George Nixon

Jul 2, 2020

I just installed the extension and it's not working for me on the UK site. The URL is

Shaun Potts

Feb 16, 2020

Version 1.37 partially working and thanks for Australian

Thanks for your help. It is now certainly version 1.37 and it sort of now works. The extension icon is lit up top right of browser and version now correct. I also see added to the long list of country web addresses.
If I click a movie I still only see IMDB rating UNDER the movie title but NOT the Rotten Tomarto's.
BUT at the BOTTOM of the movie I have chosen it has "Customers also watched" And if I HOVER of these movie titles I get the search icon for a second and then the "rotten Tomato's icon and rating appears quickly BUT not for the actual movie I clicked on at the top. Sorry I cannot send you screen grabs might make more sense.
Even this is better though as I can at least type in "romantic Comedy Movies" in the search and then under the "Customers also Watched" can at least browse movies that way sort of so I'm happy with that function working.
I appreciate the help and feel bad taking your time up. I tried in both CHROME and MICROSOFT EDGE CHROMIUM and both worked the same so it isn't a browser issue.
If you want screen shots let me know how I would email them to you. I don't know if you can see my email address as a developer.
Anyway thanks heaps it is partially funtioning now.
HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF "RED JOAN" MOVIE URL to maybe give you a clue why it isn't showing up in the MAIN WINDOW.

Vankirk, Dev

Feb 17, 2020

Thank you for helping to troubleshoot this extension! You are doing me a great service, without feedback like yours, I would have no idea it was not working in countries other than the U.S. Question; Does have a homepage similar (or exactly the same ) to the one in the screenshots for this extensions 'Overview' page? (the 3 screenshots that show the rating appear for 'Men in Black' ) And if so, does the search icon appear when you are browsing (without clicking any titles) on that home page? I tried to access the page myself using a VPN but Amazon requires an Australian based account to access what I assume to be the home page.

Douglas Barbosa de Souza

Jan 4, 2020

Support for Brazil

Unfortunately here in Brazil the extension doesn't work, because here, the site address is: "". Could you kindly add? This would be great. Thanks!

Vankirk, Dev

Jan 14, 2020

Hello, support for '' has been added. Thank you for your feedback!

Sim Jo

Nov 1, 2019

Hi, can you please add Would be great. Thx.

Mark Booth

Oct 3, 2020

Can you allow as well? Thanks!

Sim Jo

Nov 3, 2019

Great, thank you very much! :-)

Vankirk, Dev

Nov 2, 2019

Hello, support for '' has been added. Thank you for you feedback!

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