Universal Automatic Currency Converter
Universal automatic currency converter for all web browsing needs
This extension provides for all your conversion desires. The primary focuses being: - Intelligent conversion and detection of currencies - Automatic and non-intrusive in-site conversions - Always access to converter no matter where you are - Simple UI, yet extensive customization General features - Support for more than 170 currencies and their symbolic equivalents, getting rates from fixer.io and openexchangerates.org - Intelligent currency detection, catching everything for most if not all symbols, $, £ and € to EUR, USD, GBP to 'US $' - Non-intrusive in-site replacement, will never break any website functionality - Control exactly how your prices are displayed, anything from $100 or 100 dollars to 100 schmekels - Intelligent localization of multi-currency symbols like $ and kr - Optional highlighting of prices being converted on pages - Flip quickly between converted prices and original using either left-clicking, a self chosen shortcut or via the UI - Mini converter between currencies in the popup window - Blacklisting and whitelisting of websites for conversion Changelog https://github.com/Baizey/UniversalAutomaticCurrencyConverter This extension/add-on is also available for... Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/universal-automatic-curre/hbjagjepkeogombomfeefdmjnclgojli Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ua-currency-converter/ Edge: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/universal-automatic-curre/aeejpkkbcpndcbnmhifkdeabgjafghfn
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- Versione5.1.0
- Ultimo aggiornamento:8 agosto 2024
- Elemento offerto daBaizey
- Dimensioni158KiB
- LingueEnglish
- Sviluppatorebaizey
Vangedevej 152A 2 th Dyssegård 2870 DKEmail
baizeydevelopment@gmail.com - Non commercianteQuesto sviluppatore non si è identificato come commerciante. Per quanto riguarda i consumatori nell'Unione Europea, tieni presente che i diritti del consumatore non sono applicabili ai contratti stipulati tra te e questo sviluppatore.
Questo sviluppatore dichiara che i tuoi dati:
- Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.
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