FluentAI: Legendas Duplas para Netflix e mais
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Descubra a melhor maneira de aprender um novo idioma enquanto assiste seus filmes e séries favoritos na Netflix, Youtube e Disney+.
Unleash the power of language learning with our state-of-the-art language-learning extension powered by ChatGPT and DeepL. Seamlessly transforming your movie binging into an engaging language-learning journey, our app integrates modern learning methodologies to provide you with an immersive and interactive experience. Our app is designed with unique features that revolutionize the way you learn: 1. Dual Subtitles: Learn effortlessly with subtitles in your learning language and native language. 2. Pro-Translations: Get the most accurate translations powered by AI 3. Pro-Explanations: Get explanations powered by AI in your native language. 4. Canonical Form: Understand the origins of words you hover over, enhancing your vocabulary. 5. Pronunciation: Listen and replicate word sounds for accurate pronunciation. 6. Smart Pause: Pause your movie at the end of a sentence to take in the language. 7. Intelligent Restart: The movie restarts after a delay based on the sentence length, aiding comprehension. 8. Bookmarks: Bookmark unfamiliar words and review them later for better retention. Join the language-learning revolution with thousands of learners around the world. Explore languages like never before, right from your screen. Dive in today, and embark on your linguistic journey with our groundbreaking extension.
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- Versão2025.25
- Atualização10 de março de 2025
- RecursosOferece compras no aplicativo
- Tamanho31.66MiB
- Idiomas53 idiomas
- DesenvolvedorWebsite
sasha@fluentai.pro - Não negocianteEsse desenvolvedor não se identificou como comerciante. Caso você seja da União Europeia, observe que os direitos do consumidor não se aplicam a contratos firmados entre você e esse desenvolvedor.
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