Hashtag Summariser - Chrome Web Store
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Hashtag Summariser

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Hashtag Summariser lets you summarise a twitter hashtag. What is unique about it is that it will summarise based on the popularity…

Hashtag Summariser lets you summarise a twitter hashtag. What is unique about it is that it will summarise based on the popularity of each tweet, it will group tweets made for the same image and will remove quoted retweets to display tweets with the same text only once. This way you can quickly get a picture of what's happening for a hashtag. It's great for news related and events related hashtags to get an overview of the most important tweets in just a couple of moments. The layout will be slightly different depending on the screen size, two columns for tablets and one for phones.

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    2 aprile 2015
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    54 lingue
  • Non commerciante
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