Happy wheels is a fun way to exercise your brain and improve your reaction the game provides you a real feel of fun.
happy wheels unblocked game is available in the chrome web store just install it and play happy wheels game. Happy wheels is a fun way to exercise your brain and improve your reaction times. The goal is to avoid crashing into other cars and collect as many coins as possible. Happy wheels unblocked game provides you a real feel of fun. Basically, it has three game modes: The first is to Play with friends and the second one is to play against friends online and the third is another. How to Play:- Your character can move forward and jump as well. The arrow keys along with some other keys you can use to move around the game arena are: Use arrow keys to move Use space bar key to primary action (after ejecting: Grab) Use Shift/Ctrl to perform secondary actions Use Z to eject thank you:-)
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