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Era of Androids

Oct 1, 2017

Simple but useful features

* The app is in fullscreen mode each time it is opened. Which means I have to exit fullscreen and then maximize it every time I launch it! It would be a good idea to save the last state of the app and apply it to next relaunch.

* Possibility to change the order of the habits would be very useful too.

The two changes above can be implemented with the least effort. Please do them!

Anna Belle Bair

Jul 19, 2016


is there an android app available?

A Chrome Web Store user

Mar 1, 2016

Different Desktops

Hi there,
I have 2 laptops (work and home) and have downloaded the app on both using the same Google Chrome login information.
Is there a way for the habits I add and track to one to be transferred to the other laptop as well?
Would love to be able to track habits all day long!

Thomas John Kenny (Tom)

Nov 16, 2015


Hi Guys

Love the app. Have a few suggestions.

1. Allow for habits to be moved around or grouped.
2. Allow for reflections on each of the habits.
3. Allow for greater frequency than just a day.
4. Create an android app to sync.

Good luck!!

Rosario Caraballo

Nov 1, 2015


how to delete de app?

Lake Larson

Sep 28, 2015

More Options

I believe the app would become more usable if users were not only limited to "every day". Giving the option to set a habit for every other day, once a week, or even twice a day would greatly increase the usability of this app.
Secondly, giving the option to pinpoint the habit down to a time would, again, increase the amount of things it could be used for.

Shahzad Ayub

Sep 16, 2015

all time look an error accured

all time look an error accured


May 16, 2015

French language ?

Will there be a French version, soon ? Please.


Feb 14, 2015

Rename events

It'd be great to be able to rename events - to shorten the name if it's too long for example

Vessa Morales

Jan 24, 2015

App and Alerts

I think this would be even better if there was an Android app so I can keep it with me at all times, as well as some sort of simple alerts like an alarm that reminds me, so I don't forget. I love this!

Google apps