Greedy Imp FREE - Chrome Web Store
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Greedy Imp FREE

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Feature only available in payed version: ¤ Detailed view with table and diagram of your monthly purchases. This is a simple…

Feature only available in payed version: ¤ Detailed view with table and diagram of your monthly purchases. This is a simple savings/budget app that helps you get control over your daily expenditure to reach your monthly savings goal. I believe that if you manually enter all your expenses you will get a better grip of where all your money goes every month. The app will remind you when you have forgotten to enter expenses the day before and help you get back on track! Depending on your monthly income, expenses and your goal the app will calculate what how much you may spend every day to reach your goal. You can see a simple picture of your progress in the history (calender) tab. But you can also get a more detailed view where there is a table of your expenses and a diagram (more is coming). Greed is good! Payed version: Supported Languages: • English • Español • 中文 • Pусский • Svenska

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    4. April 2015
  • Angeboten von
    Bobby Kristensen
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    54 Sprachen
  • Kein Händler
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