Fast custom prompts to GPT-3.5, GPT-4 and ChatGPT API
An extension to have fast and custom prompts sent to OpenAI's GPT-4 and ChatGPT from every webpage. Ensure the lowest cost for using GPT querying directly OpenAI`s API. The extension works using your API Key from OpenAI. Get one at: https://openai.com/ (we never have access to it). This is an open source project available at GitHub: https://github.com/giosilvi/GPT-Prompter ***How to use it*** (On first install you need to reload the open webpages to have it working) 1. Click on the extension icon and insert your API KEY. 2. (optional) Select text on a web page. 3. Right-click, from the context menu select GPT-Prompter and choose a prompt! Complete Guide: https://www.gptprompter.com/how-to-use-it ***Custom prompt*** You can customize the prompt as you like,with a placeholder #TEXT# that gets replaced with the text you select from the webpage. ***Models*** - gpt-4/gpt-4-turbo/gpt-4o/ gpt-4o-mini - gpt-3.5-turbo ***History and costs*** You can access and search through the history of your prompts and save them as JSON file. ***Latest*** v4.6: Added gpt-4o-mini v4.5: Added gpt-4-turbo and gpt-4o, and images/screenshot support!
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