Display dual subtitles.
Use Dualsub to display dual subtitles on YouTube. ## Quick Start ## Perhaps your requirement is simple: to have YouTube's native subtitles display two languages. For example, to display subtitles with Chinese on top and English at the bottom: 1. Open a YouTube video page, and turn on YouTube's native subtitles. 2. Open the Dualsub popup page, and switch to the **Native Mode** tab. 3. On the row 1, the **Subtitle File** menu, select **Chinese**. 4. On the row 2, the **Subtitle File** menu, select **English**. You can select to use human-translated subtitles, or machine-translated subtitles. ## Feature Description ## Supported browsers: * Supports desktop browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox. * Supports mobile browsers: Firefox (Android), Orion (iOS). Supported video websites: * Supports YouTube, including mobile version. * Supports Bilibili, Coursera, and Udemy, totaling over 10 video websites. For more information, please visit <https://www.dualsub.xyz/>.
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