Winter Night Serenity
A tranquil winter night scene with a starry sky and soft light reflecting on the white snow
Experience the tranquil beauty of cherry blossoms with the Sakura Serenity Background. This extension transforms your new tab into a serene cherry blossom pathway, providing a peaceful and inspiring browsing environment with every click. Beyond the stunning visuals, the extension also keeps you connected with real-time weather information, an RSS feed for your favorite news updates, and displays the current date and time, ensuring you're always in the loop. The cherry trees stand tall, their delicate petals framing the pathway as if leading you to a world of tranquility. The scene evokes a sense of quiet calm, perfect for those who appreciate the gentle beauty of nature. In the distance, soft golden light from a small village at the foot of the snowy hills, combined with the gentle glow of the moon, illuminates the scene, adding a peaceful yet enchanting touch. This perfect blend of serene landscape and useful features offers a tranquil space for relaxation during work or leisure, immersing you in the quiet calm of a cold winter night each time you open a new tab.
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Google ግምገማዎችን አያረጋግጥም። ስለውጤቶች እና ግምገማዎች የበለጠ ይወቁ።
- ስሪት1.0
- ተዘመኗል29 ሴፕቴምበር 2024
- መጠን1.58MiB
- ቋንቋዎችEnglish
- ገንቢ
ኢሜይል - ነጋዴ-ያልሆነይህ ገንቢ ራሱን እንደ አንድ ነጋዴ አልለየም። በአውሮፓ ህብረት ውስጥ ላሉ ሸማቾች እባክዎ የሸማቾች መብቶች በእርስዎ እና በዚህ ገንቢ መካከል ባሉ ውሎች ላይ እንደማይተገበሩ ልብ ይበሉ።
ይህ ገንቢ የእርስዎ ውሂብ የሚከተሉትን መሆኑን አውጇል
- ከጸደቁ የአጠቃቀም ሁኔታዎች ውጭ ለሦስተኛ ወገኖች እየተሸጠ እንዳልሆነ ያውጃል።
- ከንጥሉ ዋና ተግባር ጋር ላልተያያዙ ዓላማዎች ሥራ ላይ አለመዋል ወይም አለመተላለፍ
- የብድር ብቁነትን ለማረጋገጥ ወይም ለብድር ዓላማዎች ሥራ ላይ አለመዋል ወይም አለመተላለፍ
ጥያቄዎች፣ የአስተያየት ጥቆማዎች ወይም ችግሮች ላይ እገዛን ለማግኘት የገንቢውን የድጋፍ ገጽ ይጎብኙ