Gmail Notifier- gmail notification tool - Chrome веб-продавница
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Gmail Notifier- gmail notification tool


69 оцена

ДодатакТок рада и планирање100.000 корисници
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Notifier for Google Mail. Explore incoming mails with multi-account support (Gmail)

G. Notifier extension for quick access to your emails to your gmail accounts Save your time to check new emails. Thanks to G. Notifier, you will be more organized in managing your time. Your attention will be focused on 1 letter in gmail mail. Stop being distracted by other gmail emails, be productive! Few words about Google mail Notifier : • The fastest and easiest way to manage multiple email accounts • Trusted developer of many extensions • Lots of features, options and updates • Safer. Requires minimal permissions. Make G. Notifier 5 star extension with great reviews! • Extra features are available upon contributing "any" amount. • Supports Push Notifications • Beautiful Material Design • I'll add your suggestions • See the people emailing you just like in the Gmail chat notification, with an option to show their contact photos or your assigned photos for them. • Option to monitor any Gmail or custom labels • Option to run in this notifier in the background when Google Chrome is closed and still get new email alerts • Popup mail preview window to read, archive, mark as read or delete emails without leaving the current tab (or option to go directly to your Gmail tab) • Support for multiple Gmail and Google Apps accounts Gmail notification extension provides a button that will create a Gmail message when clicked, using the page title as the subject and selected page text and link address as the message. ccount, click Options. By installing this extension, you agree to the Terms of Service. Gmail Notifier is ann project that notifies you about incoming emails from all your Google Mail accounts and labels. Features: 1. No requirement to enter your credentials. 2. Multiple account support 3. Multiple label support 4. Low bandwidth usage by using RSS technology 5. Mark as read, report spam, trash or archive messages right from browser's toolbar Notification is not confined to webmails. You can also get notification for over one hundred sites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc by installing scripts. Gmail, gmail notification, notification for mail, notification for gmail, notifier, gmail notifier, notifier gmail Features - mail notification (Gmail) - support multiple Google Accounts - account switching - auto login Make G. Notifier 5 star extension with great reviews!

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