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Gmail message ID finder

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9 support issues

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Rajath Sripathi Upadhya

Oct 18, 2022

Extention not working

Hi Team,

The extention is not working any more, triied uninstallling and reinstalling too. Kindly fix it as early as possible

Udit Agarwal

Oct 17, 2022

Not working

Not working anymore. Please do something

Gianfranco A. Málaga Tejada

Oct 15, 2022

Ya no está visible la opción del menú de mensaje para obtener su ID,

Hola. Se eliminó la opción del menú de mensaje para obtener su ID, desde hace dos días. Se verificó que la extensión se encuentra instalada, luego se reinstaló e inclusive se reinstaló el sistema operativo, pero aún no se activa. Gracias por atender.

Anais Anais

Oct 12, 2022

Extension is installed but copy message ID not appearing

I have been suing the extension for quite sometime and it seems working fine until today I found out the copy message ID option is missing despite log out relogin and remove and reinstall the extension. Please help.

Nicolás Boettcher

May 15, 2020

it doesn't work

Please, check if the extension still works

Raül Quintana

Dec 5, 2017

Not working on multiple accounts

Logouts all

Александр Скачков

Nov 15, 2017

Bug with defining Message ID from forwarded messages

There are bug with defining Message ID from forwarded messages. Please check.

David AuBuchon

Feb 23, 2017

Can thisextension also preserve unique urls?

I have many word documents with thousands of links to messages in my gmail account. These urls appear to be unique (at least within a given user account). They have a format like this:

My fear is about how I can implement a backup of my gmail accounts. In the event of a data loss, I am concerned that no matter what method I use, a restore might not restore the unique urls. I might end up with newly assigned urls. If this is the case, then all my urls saved in my word files would no longer point to anything, and I would be screwed. My question/suggestion is this:

Can you make this extension somehow permanently associate an email's present url with that email? In other words, every stored backup of an email would somewhere need to be tagged with the original url. For example, if I forwarded a copy of an email to another account as a method of backup, if I searched that unique url in this backup account (like "15a6ce8adabf80c0"), then that message would come up in the search results. Is something like this possible?

Coming down one level to something that is simpler, even ignoring issues with backups, I wonder if Gmail ever changes these urls that I have assumed for years to be unique and permanent. I hope I have been right. If they did change them, again I would be screwed. In this step, being able to search the url would fix that, and if I understand correctly, this is not any more difficult that what you have already done with this extension, except you would have to add the url string as a second unique identifier.

José Ferreira

Feb 9, 2017

Recibos de leitura

Existe alguma forma para solicita recibo de leitura de email no gmail?

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