32 support issues

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Nichole Delgado

Apr 10, 2023

Not working

It worked when it was installed and after a week, it's no longer working.

Campbell Cleland

Jun 11, 2022

Missing - Show Details Triangle

Great extension and I agree it should be part of Gmail by default!
However, it seems to have the side effect of removing the "show detail triangle" next to the email recipients. Not sure if this is intended or accidental, but I use the triangle a lot, so cannot live without it.
The triangle gives access to fields such as the below;

Johnny Nobody

Jun 9, 2022

Just stopped working

Hi! Love the extension.
Unfortunately it stopped working yesterday.
I uninstalled it and restarted the browser, even restarting the pc, but when I reinstalled it it still isn't working.
Just letting you know. Thanks!

Levi Rebel

May 25, 2022

Not working

I see no change in email window. I still have to scroll horizontally.

Julia Shebarshov

May 4, 2022

Issue w/Chrome Gmail Inline Image Fit

Good Afternoon,
I downloaded the Gmail Inline Image Fit Chrome browser extension but unfortunately was not able to see a change in my Gmail after enable this extension.

Can you please let me know if it is no longer supported or compatible with Chrome?

Thank you very much for any information you might be able to provide!

Krystyn Kohler

May 28, 2021

Download not working

Downloaded the extension but it did not change the gmail to wrap the text to make it visible on one screen.

Max Auger

Apr 30, 2021

Removes arrow for email address details in Gmail.

Not only is this extension not working properly, it removes the dropdown arrow in Gmail that allows you to retrieve email address details. Can this be fixed?

Bruno Ferreira

Mar 16, 2021

Gmail Details button now a point.


This is great, but all of a sudden now when I use the extension, the "show details" downward arrow to reveal the email details of the sender/receiver has turned into a point. I had to stop using this extension because of that. Any ideas?

Doc Delete

Feb 8, 2021

Not working any more

I've been using this great extension for some years now - but it's recently stopped working in both Chrome and Microsoft's new Edge. It was working in both a few months ago. I'm sorry I can't add any more insights - just that wide inline images sent by some people are overflowing the screen width, just like before I discovered your excellent solution.

Max Auger

Sep 25, 2020

Is this still being supported?

This extension appears to be broken. I've installed it and it is not working.

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