Varelogobilde for Gmail Checker - Multi Account Gmail Notifier

Gmail Checker - Multi Account Gmail Notifier


68 vurderinger

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Get notifications for multiple Gmail accounts, and read or delete email without opening Gmail

This extension provides a fast track to access google mail. Save your time opening emails or switching accounts. When you receive a new email, this extension will notify you the first time with a message prompt sound. I'm sure you won't miss any email by using this tool. It supports receiving multiple accounts message reminders, and also supports switching multiple accounts and viewing emails of all accounts. You can operate the mail of all accounts, such as read, mark as read, delete, archive, put in the trash, etc without opening the mailbox on the website. Feature: ➢ Multiple account support, switch gmail accounts easily. ➢ Notify you the first time with a prompt sound when you receive a new email. ➢ Notifier in the background when Google Chrome is closed and still get new email alerts. ➢ Read, mark as read, delete, archive, put in the trash, etc without opening Gmail. Tips: There is no need to manually add multiple accounts. When you log in multiple accounts in your Gmail on web, this extension will display the same number of accounts. this extension was made by third party developers and it is NOT made by Gmail Inc. There are some Tags for extension, such as: ● gmail availability checker,forward gmail to multiple addresses,multiple gmail accounts,gmail multiple accounts one inbox,recall gmail message,message blocked gmail,where do archived messages go gmail,gmail text messages,gmail where do archived messages go ● where do archived gmail messages go,request read receipt gmail,link gmail accounts,create group email in gmail,gmail account security,secure gmail account,gmail examples,security for gmail account,template email in gmail,email template gmail,gmail add ● security gmail account,gmail gmail com,mail inbox gmail,add gmail,make gmail more secure,gmail email template,checking email gmail,list of gmail accounts,list of gmails accounts,gmail auto response,read receipts gmail,shared contacts gmail ● merge gmail accounts,setup rules in gmail,inbox vs gmail,boomerang gmail,make gmail account default,auto response gmail,setting up rules in gmail,gmail account opening,gmailaccount,share contacts gmail,gmail view unread emails,view unread emails gmail,view unread emails in gmail,gmail mark as unread,unread email gmail ● unread emails gmail,unread email in gmail,gmail unread email,gmail unread emails,gmail unread,forward multiple emails gmail,manage gmail,gmail manage filters,manage filters gmail,manage gmail filters,recall a message in gmail,gmail away message ● google calendar alerts,change timezone google calendar,chrome black background,checkr support chat,gmail starred,gmail "",g,aol,gamaisl,checkers store,check store,email corrector,check gmail address availability,gmail reviews,find archived emails gmail,see archived gmail,retrieve archived email gmail,gmail retrieve archived emails,gmail checker,hardened firefox

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  • Versjon
  • Oppdatert
    23. august 2023
  • Levert av
    Social Analyzer
  • Størrelse
  • Språk
    50 språk
  • Utvikler
  • Ikke-ervervsdrivende
    Denne utvikleren har ikke identifisert seg selv som næringsdrivende. For forbrukere i EU gjelder ikke forbrukerrettighetene for kontrakter som er gjort mellom deg og denne utvikleren.


Gmail Checker - Multi Account Gmail Notifier har oppgitt følgende informasjon om innsamling og bruk av dataene dine. Du finner mer detaljert informasjon i utviklerens personvernregler.

Gmail Checker - Multi Account Gmail Notifier håndterer følgende:

Innhold på nettsteder

Denne utvikleren erklærer at dataene dine

  • ikke selges til tredjeparter, med unntak for de godkjente bruksområdene
  • ikke brukes eller overføres for formål som ikke er relatert til varens kjernefunksjonalitet
  • ikke brukes eller overføres for å fastslå kredittverdighet eller for låneformål



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Gmail Notifier - gmail notification tool


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Viser antallet uleste meldinger i innboksen for Google Mail. Du kan også klikke på knappen for å åpne innboksen.

Entrar for Gmail™


Entrar for Gmail™, a gmail entrar extension, is a shortcut to open gmail and login gmail.

Badge counter for Gmail


Get badge counter for a custom user search query. Click on the toolbar button opens the newest email.

Gmail™ Notifier


Get desktop notifications for new emails in your Gmail account, even when Gmail is not open in a tab.

Notifier for Gmail™


Multiple label and account notifier for Google Mail (Gmail™)

Quick Look Inbox for Gmail


Get notifications and quick look your new Gmail messages.

Blue Bell Gmail™ notification tool


Blue Bell Gmail™ notification tool allows users to view new emails easily.

Gmail™ Notifier (Developer Edition)


Multiple label and account notifier for Google Mail (Gmail), and more!
