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Olexandr Perepiiaka
Aug 16, 2017
Refused to load the image error
Refused to load the image '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src *".
Chrome version 60.0.3112.101 (Official Build) (64-bit)
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Olexandr Perepiiaka
Aug 16, 2017
All my scripts are gone
Yesterday there was more than 20 scripts in this app. Now they all gone. Can you help me to find and restore sources of my scripts?
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Sergey Shiroky
Apr 24, 2016
What is inject script?
when I usee context menu my script fails whenever I try to use js library from current opened page, when I try to use inject option I don`t see any button to start that script from menu and even after page reload I don`t see any marker of execution.
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Tom Payne II
Mar 16, 2015
Problem with inject scripts in OS X Chrome Version 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit)
Thank you, again, for this extension. I use it daily and really appreciate it. This morning I noticed a problem that I had noticed previously when using the Beta release of Chrome and assumed it was something that might be resolved as the Chrome Devs completed their build.
I use an inject::: script on a few sites that worked flawlessly in the past. This morning, I noticed that one of them appeared to quit working. Upon further investigation I noticed that the script seems to be executed on BeforeUnload or Unload instead of on Load. I have an extension that I wrote to work in tandem with this one with a console.log that I call when the extension is loaded. It shows up as expected as the page is loading, but the console.logs that I have in ScriptMenu only show, briefly, once I hit refresh, or navigate away from the target page. I'll dig through your code later today or tomorrow and try to identify what might need to be modified to fix the issue, but I wanted to let you know that some change in Chrome had rendered the inject::: functionality somewhat useless at the moment.
Thanks again!
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Jan 24, 2015
menu items Copy Insert Open in new background tab
How to make menu items
Open in new background tab
Open in a new active tab
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Tom Payne II
Jan 5, 2015
Enable Script Menu for file:// and ftp:// urls
I love this extension and use it daily. One thing I noticed while inspecting the code behind it is that it seems to limit the URL's it activates on to http and https. I use Chrome for browsing ftp:// quite often and have found some use cases where right clicking or injecting a script in a ftp://share/files/ path/page would be pretty handy. This could even be an option that people allow via the Manage Extensions settings page. Either way, thanks for the great tool and thank you for considering my suggestion.
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