15 support issues
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Lukas Schreiber
Aug 13, 2024
Doesn't do anything
I just tried this extension on Brave. It doesn't do anything. Is it still supposed to work?
E.g. after navigating to https://github.com/pola-rs/polars and clicking the extension I only get the following text:
Version: 8.2.67
Github does not have a function to view the total number of lines of code in the project but we can to compute an approximation of that data (LOC: Lines of Code) through the GitHub Statistics API. Some glitches may occur, such as negative loc or "unavailable data" for many reasons"
Nothing else.
I had added an access token and the token was deemed valid.
I'm not gonna bother with Chrome because the Chrome Webstore on Chrome says "(This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions.)". On Brave I don't get this message.
ramprasad ramanna
Feb 12, 2021
Does this work on Gitlab also
I am trying to use this on gitlab , does it work on gitlab ?
Birgit Hofer
Feb 8, 2021
Negative LOC
The LOC for https://github.com/icsharpcode/ILSpy says '-114808'.
It looks like an integer overflow.
Installed CLOC version 8.2.20
Estagiarios UaiTec
Oct 20, 2020
Kas Elvirov
May 15, 2020
nativeautomations.com (
Attention for all
Update your extension to latest stable version without this analytics 8.2.5
Thank to those who helped discover this issue: @Khutor, @ASalvail
gothic serpent
Mar 5, 2020
letter about Github Gloc
I think your plugin is great for google chrome, thanks so much for developing it!
Robert Irelan
Feb 5, 2020
[GitHub API] Deprecation notice for authentication via URL query parameters
Recently I've started getting emails from Github like this:
On ${date} your personal access token (Github GLOC) using ${chrome_user_agent_string} was used as part of a query parameter to access an endpoint through the GitHub API:
Please use the Authorization HTTP header instead, as using the `access_token` query parameter is deprecated.
Depending on your API usage, we'll be sending you this email reminder once every 3 days for each token and User-Agent used in API calls made on your behalf.
Just one URL that was accessed with a token and User-Agent combination will be listed in the email reminder, not all.
Visit https://developer.github.com/changes/2019-11-05-deprecated-passwords-and-authorizations-api/#authenticating-using-query-parameters for more information.
The GitHub Team
I got this message after navigating to a public repo in a browser with this plugin. In addition, the token is for "Github GLOC", which is this plugin. It appears that the plugin needs an update.
Сергей Корелин
Jan 25, 2019
Вылетает браузер при установке
Вылетает браузер при установке, Chrome, Версия 71.0.3578.98 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит)
Другие версии не проверял
Chad Krause
Jan 23, 2019
1. Create a shortcut on your desktop
2. Right click on the shortcut and hit properties
3. Keep all the text in the "target" field, and put "--disable-sync-extensions" (no quotes) at the end of the target
4. Use that shortcut to open chrome
5. Go to chrome web store, click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner by your email, and go to "My Extensions and Apps"
6. Click the "Library" tab at the top of the page and scroll down to Gloc, and hit the x
That should remove it and prevent it from trying to load
Developers - Don't release an extension that just cycle-crashes Chrome. What's your problem?
A Chrome Web Store user
Dec 21, 2018
Causes Crashes
I installed the plugin and the second it loaded and opened its built in web-page, Chrome crashed. Took me 25+ attempts to get to the extensions page and turn it off so I could remove it.