Ghostery Private Search for Chrome
Ghostery Private Search is your choice for search results that are ➤ Objective: Ghostery delivers unbiased results that are not…
Ghostery Private Search is your choice for search results that are ➤ Objective: Ghostery delivers unbiased results that are not influenced by your clicks or preferences. ➤ Private: We do not record your search history or personal data. ➤ Transparent: Ghostery provides privacy you can see with the help of WhoTracks.Me. This unique feature shows the trackers beside each search result and provides you with real-time insights on them. ➤ Ad-free: Our Private Sponsored Links are tracker-free affiliate links that support us and respect your privacy. Ghostery is a search engine independent of Big Tech. We do not record your search history or personal data. Most popular search engines collect massive amounts of user data. Their results are also flooded with ads, making it difficult to find what you want. Ghostery does not log searches or filter results based on your profile, unlike other search engines that track you and sell your personal data. Our extension sets Ghostery Private Search as your default search engine. Try Ghostery today and search the web privately without being tracked!
- Version1.1.1
- UpdatedNovember 17, 2023
- Size86.13KiB
- LanguagesEnglish
- Developer
- Non-traderThis developer has not identified itself as a trader. For consumers in the European Union, please note that consumer rights do not apply to contracts between you and this developer.
This developer declares that your data is
- Not being sold to third parties, outside of the approved use cases
- Not being used or transferred for purposes that are unrelated to the item's core functionality
- Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes