Save as GIF is a browser extension designed by Minh Anh Dang that allows you to save GIF images directly to your computer.
Extension Name: Save as GIF Description: Save as GIF is a handy browser extension that allows you to seamlessly save GIF images directly to your computer, automatically converting .webp images to .gif!!! WARNING: - Our extension CAN NOT work on Scratch, GIPHY, https://7tv.app/ or GIFs with webp source. Key Features: - Format Preservation: Save GIFs with confidence, knowing that they will be preserved in their native GIF format. - One-Click Saving: Streamlined functionality with a simple one-click saving process for quick and efficient GIF downloads. - Browser Compatibility: Compatible with popular web browsers, providing a consistent experience across platforms. - User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and user-friendly interface for a hassle-free GIF saving experience. - Privacy-Focused: Built with user privacy in mind, ensuring a secure and reliable extension. How to Use: 1. Install the Save as GIF extension from the Chrome Web Store (or relevant extension store for your browser). 2. Browse the web and discover captivating GIFs. 3. Click on the GIF Saver icon in your browser toolbar when you find a GIF you'd like to save. 4. The saved GIF will be stored in a folder named "SaveAsGif" on your computer, usually in the Downloads directory. 5. The storage format is organized by date and page title for easy navigation: "SaveAsGIF/{Image Name}_{PageTitle}" Thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement as we strive to enhance the "Save As gif" extension together. Please consider donating via my PayPal account: - Account Name: @MinhAnhDang1709 - Email support: minhanhdang.forwork@gmail.com [Update history] 13/5/2024 - Version 2.0: - Design pop-up items. - Edit save folder setting: From 3 subfolders to 1 folder "Save as GIF" - Edit file name setting: From {PageTitle} to {Image Name}_{PageTitle}
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- Verze2.0
- Aktualizováno14. července 2024
- AutorMinh Anh Dang
- Velikost6.69MiB
- JazykyEnglish
- Vývojář
minhanh.dang1709@gmail.com - Neobchodnický subjektTento vývojář se neidentifikoval jako obchodník. Spotřebitele v Evropské unii upozorňujeme, že se na smlouvy mezi vámi a tímto vývojářem nevztahují spotřebitelská práva.
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