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Emoji Swap

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Swap between several emoji webfonts

Swaps system emojis with another emoji family, via the magic of webfonts. Enables your Chrome browser to display colored emojis even if your OS does not support it. The extension should work automatically after installation. The extension also provides a few options to manage the emojis. Emojis included: ✅ Noto Color Emoji ✅ Twemoji ✅ Blobmoji ✅ OpenMoji ✅ Fluent Emoji ✅ Noto Emoji Mono ✅ Openmoji Black ✅ OpenSans+Noto ✅ Fluent Emoji Mono ✅ EmojiTwo * Emoji attributions are included in the help file * Noto Color and Blobmoji emojis have support for Unicode v15.0 🔔 Limitations This extension should work for 90% of web pages out there, but note the following technical limitations. ★ Uses WOFF2 and TTF webfonts so may cause issues if your browser has poor support for webfonts. ★ Only replaces emojis that are already available during the initial page load. Emojis added after via ajax, lazy-loading or other scripts will not be affected. ★ Only works if browser is connected to the internet. It pulls emoji data from the internet, so replacement emojis may not appear if you're offline. ★ Also, replacement emojis will not appear when viewing local HTML files. ★ A 2-second delay was added when loading Emojis in YouTube since YouTube partially adds/pulls/shows content on a on-demand basis. ★ Can cause pages that contain many emojis to load very slowly. ★ May interfere with websites that interact with or are reliant on text emojis for their functionality. ★ May interfere with other emoji-related extensions. 👍 Advantages ★ Replaces the default emoji set if you're not happy with the default emoji that comes with your OS. ★ Adds emoji support to Chrome, even if not supported by the OS. ★ Includes emojis that support Unicode v15. ★ Flags are shown correctly as actual flags, instead of the two-letter combo. Sites that load a lot of emojis per tab may cause the extension to freeze. ▞▀▀ ▌ ⚡ ▌ If you feel that this extension has made ❥ your favorite sites slow or unusable, use ▌ the [Options] page to add them to the ▌ exception list. ▚▅▅ 🐸 Version 0.0.4 * Updates to improve loading speed * Bug fixes for minor issues * Corrected Openmoji to OpenMoji Version 0.0.3 * Fixed issue where saving merges all URLs as one long string * Added link to online help ( * Note that above link is a work in progress Version 0.0.2 * Bug fixes Version 0.0.1 * Initial release

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    29 de novembro de 2022
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