MindMap: изображение логотипа



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MindMaps or Map your Mind! Represent your words, ideas, tasks, or other items. With cloud support and Google Drive.

This is a prototype of an HTML5 based mind mapping application. It lets you create neat looking mind maps in the browser. You can use the app wherever you are, there is no need for an internet connection, everything happens inside your browser on your machine. There are many mind mapping applications out there. However, the desktop apps are often bloated and not intuitive, and most web apps charge you for premium features. You spend most of your time inside your browser anyway. Why not create your mind maps here as well? This app tries its best to deliver you a smooth user experience that you know from desktop software products. This app supports cloud storage via Google Drive.

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    5 октября 2022 г.
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  • Разработчик
    Abdul Azeem Cv
    Chanthuveettil House, Asfar, Vidyanagar, Via IRS, Edayur PO, Malappuram Dist, Kerala 676554 India
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