GetJam - find Coupons and Promo codes - Chrome веб-продавница
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GetJam - find Coupons and Promo codes

153 оцене

ДодатакКуповина10.000 корисници
Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана
Медијска ставка 2 снимак екрана


Најбољи купони и попусти за онлине продавнице

GetJam is a free Chrome browser extension that will allow you to save money when doing online shopping. GetJam coupon extension finds discounts and promo codes and applies them at checkout, so you don't have to look for ways to save money yourself. Getting started with GetJam is incredibly easy! It takes just one click and it will be added to your browser. No registration required! Using GetJam chrome coupon extension isn't any more difficult than installing it. It will work in the background, finding any current offers and discounts for the site you are browsing. If you click on its icon in the upper right corner, you will see the coupons and promo codes available. The codes are just there waiting to be applied at checkout. What are you getting when choosing GetJam? - Constant improvement. We are working incessantly to make GetJam better and improve your experience with it. - GetJam is currently available in 17 countries and in five languages: English, German, French, Spanish, and Russian. Other coupon finder extensions usually have only the English language version. We are working on adding more languages to GetJam. - Remarkable coverage. GetJam coupon extension works for tens of thousands of shops, from the popular large ones, like Amazon, eBay, or Walmart, to myriads of niche brand boutiques. What about discounted hotel rates? We'll find those for you too. Each day we are adding more and more shops, websites, and deals to our powerful GetJam engine! - User-friendly interface. The GetJam Chrome extension has an intuitive interface for hassle-free experience: coupons and deals are listed under corresponding tabs. Powerful search for easier navigation. - Smooth performance. GetJam extension is unbelievably lightweight and won't lead to your browser lagging. - Respect for your personal data. While we are using cookies and similar tracking technologies to improve and analyze our service, we will never share or sell your data to third parties. Instead, our business model is based on the commission from stores if you make a purchase using the coupons GetJam finds for you. - A team of people who care. Feel free to contact our support, should you encounter any problems or have suggestions to make. Save time and money with GetJam's free coupon extension!

4,6 од 5153 оцене

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    24. септембар 2023.
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  • Није трговац
    Овај програмер се није идентификовао као трговац. Потрошачи у Европској унији треба да имају на уму да се права потрошача не примењују на уговоре између њих и овог програмера.


Програмер је открио да ово неће прикупљати нити користити ваше податке.

Овај програмер изјављује да се ваши подаци

  • не продају трећим странама, осим у оквиру одобрених случајева коришћења
  • не користе и не преносе у сврхе које нису повезане са основном функцијом ставке
  • не користе и не преносе ради утврђивања кредитне способности или давања зајма


Ако вам треба помоћ у вези са питањима, предлозима или проблемима, отворите ову страницу у прегледачу за рачунаре

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