Geometry Dash : New Lite World - Chrome Web Store
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Geometry Dash : New Lite World
ExtensieGames130 gebruikers
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Play Geometry Dash right now. Discover the Joy of palying this game - Your Ultimate Online Happy Experience! Try it now!

Game Features "Geometry Dash Lite World" offers the following features: Adjustable Gameplay Speed: The game allows youto freely adjust the gameplay speed, providing an excellent gaming experience whether you prefer a slow or fast pace. Slow mode gives you more time to react and maneuver, while fast mode increases the challenge and urgency. Exciting Game Music: The game features exceptional music that perfectly complements the game's rhythm and action. Each level is accompanied by unique music, immersing you in a perfect blend of music and gameplay. Thrilling Dash Challenges: In the game, you'll control a geometry block and dash through various levels filled with obstacles and traps. You'll need to jump, dodge, and time your moves to avoid collisions and survive as long as possible. Diverse Level Designs: The game offers a variety of levels to challenge, each with unique geometry patterns and difficulty. The level designs are beautifully crafted and provide endless enjoyment as you progress through the game. Collect Rewards and Unlock Content: In the game, you can collect rewards and unlock new geometry block skins, music, and other content. This adds to the game's long-term challenge and replayability.

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    30 april 2024
  • Grootte
  • Talen
    39 talen
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