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Playlist generator


18 ratings

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10 support issues

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Narrating Potato

Nov 17, 2022

In-Order (Newest-Oldest/Bottom to Top) Feature Request

It's been a while, still using the chrome extension, still enjoy using it. Anyways, the title says it all. Potentially adding an arrow next to "In-order" that shows either playing the order from top to bottom (arrow pointing downward) (oldest to newest) or bottom to top (arrow pointing upward) (newest to oldest). Thank you and have a good day.

Alex Holden

Jun 6, 2021

Weird UI bug


The extention works as it should. But the UI only shows half of all the text. I have it installed on brave browser. I tried to disable my other extentions, i deleted cache restarted the browser. Nothing changed, and the issue persists.

Hope you can help.


Eric K

Nov 23, 2020

Issue With Playback

If it is minimized or not the active window, it will not continue to shuffle or play from your bookmark folder. Instead it will continue the youtube playlist. Is there a way to fix this?

Alex Holden

Aug 19, 2020

An Issue and an suggestion

If the extension plays a video that is not available, it does not automatically load a new one.
Would it be possible to add an feature that would enable this function?

Thanks in advance.

Alex Holden

Aug 5, 2020

An issue with playing

Sometimes it will load a video in a playlist, but hen it says "video unavailable" and then load the next.
This happens even though the youtube-link works perfectly and leads to a youtubevideo I can load and play normally in a browser.

Thanks in advance for your help

Narrating Potato

Jun 17, 2020

Since You Added Scrolling, What About Bookmarking?

1st, thank you for adding scrolling, feels great, however since their is the fact that you can now go to other videos (due to the scrolling) that are not a part of your bookmark, is it possible to add a feature where you're able to bookmark the new videos/if it's already bookmarked, it would show it, if that makes sense. Thank you and have a good day.

Narrating Potato

May 20, 2020

Glitch When Trying to Scroll for the Video

The extension works great, I love it, yet a glitch I noticed was if I want to diverge from what I am currently listening to on the extension, when I try to scroll down, it's a bit bugged and just won't allow me. It's annoying but I still love the extension, not sure if it's just me. Thank you and have a good day.


May 19, 2020


Firstly, really glad I found something like this. Have always wanted an extension to do exactly this for years. Anyways, was wondering if there was a way to skip the song or have it load the next link? I know I can just end the current song by clicking towards the end but maybe there is an easier way. Also was wondering perhaps instead of having a new window created maybe have it be created in a new tab instead? I have extensions I like to use for music but can't access them when its created in that new window because there is no address bar.

Would be nice options to have. Thanks again for your work.

Josh McIlwain

Feb 3, 2020

Update Suggestion

Hi Mr Hahn, your extension is really appreciated as I have an endless music folder in chrome which I do not have the time to turn into a single youtube playlist.

A suggestion for a feature I would find super useful is the ability to remember which playlists you've added. Say, you click on the extension icon and the current window pops up, along with a simple 'Add, Remove, Modify' list of folders to choose from, upon which clicking on it commences playing

Would love this feature, but love the extension anyway, thanks :)

A Chrome Web Store user

Jan 18, 2019

does not appear to work

windows 7, chrome browser with youtube music videos as bookmark,
I have 6 or so book marks in a bookmark folder. I entered the name of the folder and pressed the Make Playlist button on the bottom. I got a window titled YouTube and it appeared to cycle through some process displaying gray placeholders on the window. It looped for a very long time and never did resolve... Whats going on. I never found any output.

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