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Hedie Rasouli

Apr 22, 2022


hi. how can use the wordology?

Lalo Gailany

Mar 12, 2022


i can not use that extension Wordology i want add that extension and use please help me

Rasty M Ahmad

Feb 18, 2022


Why i cant open the wordology plug in website in my mackbook air?

David A. García-Barrios

Sep 26, 2019


Your extension is awesome, it has help me a lot. Just one question: How can I add a phrasal verb or a collocation?


May 23, 2019

Pop up issue

it is amazingly simple and good extension.However, I am using different other extension such as google translate and other dictionaries and they are also popping up on my screen if i activate it. Whenever I intended use wordology, I can not use other pop up dictionaries. So, could you please add optional `describe word` section. it should pop out not the every time when I click the unknown words but if I intentionally wanted to `describe a word` for wordology. Which you can make in two ways. First way is that you might add additional small pop up box(e.g google translate small symbol) which activate whenever the word clicked. I mean, right now the pop up cover all my screen and you can not use any other extension such as google translate until unless you close it. Or second suggestion is you could assign a hotkey which triggered to `define word` section. Like If the user click a word with this key than this pop up section will open. Hotkey will be optionally assignable by the users from chrome extension hotkey or with extension setting. I think second option will be simple and doable don't take your time so much. Thanks again for the extension.

A Chrome Web Store user

Mar 21, 2019

A question re uploading words

Hi: I love this extension! I have long lists of words with their definitions in Excel format, but can't seem to upload them to Wordology to save time in future. I'm not a computer geek, but have tried various online converters. Can you tell me how to go about this? I downloaded the dictionary of the few words that I translated manually in Wordology, so I see how the file should be laid out, but when I try the various converters and then try to upload the json file they created, and then download the dictionary again to see if the new words are there - they aren't! So frustrating. Any way to make it easier?

A Chrome Web Store user

Feb 5, 2019

Salvar e transferir dados

Text in English:

Good afternoon! I'm Brazilian and am still learning your language, so I'll might make some mistakes. I'd like to know if it's possible to link my data to a Google's account or anything similar to that, 'cause I wanna access those data in more than a machine. I wanna use Wordology in my cellphone and in my computer, accessing the same words in both.

If that's not possible yet, an update wich makes it possible would be great!
Thank you!


Texto em português:

Boa tarde! Gostaria de saber se é possível vincular os meus dados a uma conta do Google ou algo assim, para que, mesmo utilizando outra máquina, eu consiga usufruir do Wordology. Gostaria, no caso, de usar no meu computador e no meu celular com as mesmas palavras salvas.

Se não for possível fazê-lo, encarem meu texto como uma sugestão, pois essa flexibilização seria muito útil. Grato!


Dec 5, 2018

Add a option to mark and repeat words

Really good app but I as a language learner would like to have a option to mark unknown words so that I'm able to see them during reading. Plus getting also a list or Vocable trainer for it. So i can focus on words which I Haven't memorised yet.

That would be perfect.


Aug 17, 2018

phrasal verbs

this app is amazing, thank you for sharing but it has a great limitation. Just for example i was reading a text and i came across a phrasal verb "up to the task", wordology can't link multiple words, and though i made it manually by the json file, it doesn't show multiple green words in text. Thank you so much!

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