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Gaana Lyrics App


71 ratings

1,000 users

24 support issues

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Ricardo Robles

Dec 5, 2019

Replace lyricswiki source with Genius?

Hi! Lyricswiki is no longer actively supported. Genius has been a great source for lyrics for a while now, is it possible to swap out or add it in as an option to pull lyrics from?


Ashlynn Somers

Jan 20, 2019


How do i uninstall this

Paul Hoffmann

Jul 20, 2018

YT Music

Hi, could you please add support for Youtube music?

Coot Master

Nov 3, 2017

music choice

can music choice .com be added

Zelda Allen

Jun 29, 2017



Waldemar Römersohn

Jun 19, 2017

Artists name in the other language

When i use Google play music in my country it changes artist name to my language( name of the song remains the same). App can't find lyrics because of that.

Sida Wang

Apr 21, 2017

Pandora Update

Ever since Pandora had its major update earlier this year in 2017, i haven't been able to get Gaana Lyrics to work with it. Just doesn't recognise songs playing in the window.

RingOfStorms Josh

Oct 4, 2016

Pandora no longer detected

I'm not sure exactly what caused this but since the last major windows update on my computer (with the full restart and welcome UI) the app no longer detects pandora. It still works for Amazon music (so I assume some others too). But it simple shows as if it doesn't see that I have pandora open and shows the lists of all the sites it supports.

Chrome: Version 53.0.2785.143 m

Lisa Clarke

Jun 8, 2016

Can't get it to work in Google Music

Just installed for the first time. I'm listening to Google Music, and the extension is lit up to indicate that it works on the site, but the window never changes. It remains on the screen that lists all of the music sites it works with. Any idea why?

David Carlson

Dec 11, 2015

Now Broken on Google Music

Worked fine until recently. Got stuck on the same song so I uninstalled and reinstalled. Now it just says it cannot find the song title.

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