French Locker - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet French Locker

French Locker


1 betyg

Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild


French Locker is designed to help enthusiasts and beginners alike, learn and pronounce the more than 1,500 basic and most used…

French Locker is designed to help enthusiasts and beginners alike, learn and pronounce the more than 1,500 basic and most used French words and phrases through optimized repetition and memorization. The collection of more than a thousand commonly used phrases are categorized into six levels and as the user gain familiarity of the existing characters from level 1, the app will adjust the word list to gradually include characters from all subsequent levels. The learning of new words are relayed and supported via informative flashcards depending on the user's preference. Word recognition is reinforced through repeated exposure and testing depending on the outcome of the quiz for each of the individual characters. French Locker is designed to be your personal trainer in learning the basics of the French language at your own pace.

1 av 51 betyg

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    16 augusti 2015
  • Erbjudandet kommer från
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    54 språk
  • Icke-näringsidkare
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