Easily find and set free VPN proxies and, browse fast and secure!
Free VPN Proxy is a handy extension that lets you easily mask your real internet protocol (IP) address. Simply click on the start button at the top left corner (big blue button). The addon will look for a free proxy (socks5 IP & port combination) via a free JavaScript API call. Currently it uses the "getproxylist", "gimmeproxy" and "pubproxy" APIs. Once a free proxy is returned it checks whether the new proxy is working or not. If the new socks5 proxy is working properly, it applies to the browser proxy setting. You can now browser under this socks5 proxy and mask your real IP address. Please note that the API for searching proxies is free but only releases 20 results per day. Once the limit is over, the addon will only use the proxies from its memory (previously saved IP and ports). To turn off the addon, please click on the top right button in the toolbar popup UI (grey icon). Note: Free VPN Proxy add-on does NOT store your IP address or any other information in any remote location. However, third-party services (mentioned above) have their policy and rules for storing IP addresses. If you have a feature request or found a bug to report, please fill the bug report form on the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/private-network.html).
- 版本0.1.4
- 已更新2023年8月27日
- 提供者Muyor
- 大小67.73KiB
- 語言English
- 開發人員
mujo.hydrov@gmail.com - 非交易商這位開發人員並未表明自己是交易商。歐盟地區的消費者請注意,消費者權利不適用於你和這位開發人員之間簽訂的合約。
- 除經核准的用途外,不會將你的資料販售給第三方
- 不會基於與商品核心功能無關的目的,使用或轉移資料
- 不會為了確認信用度或基於貸款目的,使用或轉移資料