Support: Free Video Downloader
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Free Video Downloader

298 ratings

ExtensionJust for Fun100,000 users

29 support issues

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Dhashini Pirabagaran

May 30, 2024

Video Not Fully Downloaded

Hi there. I hope you can get back to me at soonest. The video downloader works perfectly. However the only issue I face is that the video downloads only half way or 60% of the full length of the video. Its clear and HD and all but not the full video. The 1 hour 30 mins video only 1 hour 18 mins was downloaded. 2 hours video only 1 hour and 23 minutes. Hope to get a resolutioj for this. The quality of the download is greta just this issue.

Семен Сюфа

Jan 24, 2024

Где найти скачанное видео?

Не могу найти видео, которое скачал загрузчик. Пишет: Проверьте папку загрузчика, в которую должно было быть загружено ваше видео. Где эта папка???? В папке "загрузка" ничего нет.

Асият Хайбулаева

Nov 14, 2023

НЕ могу скачать видео выходит ошибка

Не могу скачать видео .
Выходит ошибка на английском языке
Please try to start a playback
if you see a video on the page
This will help to grab the right video file

Nick Ali

Oct 16, 2023 downloading garbage

Hi there!

Awesome extension, but it downloads videos from with errors :(
I can give you my log/pass from website to check and fix the issue.


Chris E

Jul 23, 2023

wont play my video

once I download the video i want to watch its just a blank screen and nothing plays.

L_Samnang Skynet

Jun 1, 2023



hasan taher

May 28, 2023


where is my Free Video Downloader files location

Liew Jason

Apr 29, 2023

file size

if video bigger 2gb only download half video

Isaac Valladares

Apr 4, 2023

Extension no longer works/What is this redirect?

Hi. Whenever I would use the extension, it redirects to your page and claims it's downloaded and it's in my folder but it doesn't show up. (The old configuration was much better).

angela armellino

Feb 22, 2023

Donde se pega la url?

No veo campo para pegar la URL!

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