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This extension allows you to dim a website.
changelogs: v1.1 - updated incompatiblity with major sites like: youtube, pinterest, instagram, twitter, facebook. -------------------------------------------- Found sites not compatible? Submit a bug here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/support/fpolgnklaplaakjhefmibfpikoacfacj?hl=en&gl=CA#bug -------------------------------------------- Is your screen still too bright? nyt_mod can help! nyt_mod is a webpage night mode dimmer application. It mimics a brightness setting but only for your browser. INSTRUCTIONS: After installation, click the icon next to the address bar or right click to 'nyt_mod' and choose the brightness level to turn it ON. Click a new tab and start browsing with a dimmed brightness. Tabs that are already open before installation just needs to be refreshed. No need to close the browser. TO ACCESS: 1. You can use the icon next to the address bar and selecting the brightness level or 2. By right-clicking. NOTE: This application is not a bullet-proof setting [almost all websites but not all] and may alter [some of] your regular viewing experience for certain websites. TIP: To maximize this application I suggest downloading a darker theme as well. Follow here: https://plus.google.com/108320221203104839132
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- Верзија1.1
- Ажурирано7. март 2013.
- Нудиapps by makque
- Величина101KiB
- ЈезициEnglish
- Није трговацОвај програмер се није идентификовао као трговац. Потрошачи у Европској унији треба да имају на уму да се права потрошача не примењују на уговоре између њих и овог програмера.
Ако вам треба помоћ у вези са питањима, предлозима или проблемима, отворите ову страницу у прегледачу за рачунаре