Forever Passwords by Emogic - Chrome Web Store
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Forever Passwords by Emogic
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Forever Passwords generates a unique password for each website that is long and complex. You only need to remember one Secret…

Forever Passwords generates a unique password for each website that is long and complex. You only need to remember one Secret phrase or word to generate all your passwords. The passwords are not stored anywhere but generated when you need them. How to use Forever_Passwords: - run index.html off the website ( or your locally stored version - Select an Alias : usually based on url (eg: emogic,com) - Select a Secret : select a long, complex, and hard to guess word, phrase, or password that will be used, with your Alias, to generate all your passwords (eg: The Sound of Music). - Forever_Passwords generates a unique, long, complex password based on each of your Alias and Secret combinations - click 'Copy' and use eg: - alias: b - secret: b - always produces password: mpAPU4llpCaZTh6QYAkgr/C06NI= - (never use a simple secret as per this example) Recommendations: - do not use your Secret anywhere else. eg as a password on a web site - your Secret should be long, complex, and imposible to guess - store a local copy of this program (Forever Passwords) in the unlikely case our site,, is temporarily down or have a backup plan! Download a copy to your PC. File->Save as HTML - Do not store passwords in a browser cache or in the cloud - Clear your password in Forever Passwords after use Possible issues: - Single url requires multiple passwords eg: and : solution, add www or cpanel to the Alias - A website might not like the password generated. eg: too long, no special characters allowed - If your password is compromised (via shoulder surfing or malware), you need to decide how to generate a new one using your easy to remember rules. Eg: Add 'compromised' to the Alias ( Notes: Spaces are not allowed in the Alias field. The reason is that trailing spaces are not visible, but may be present, and this will create a different password and potentially cause confusion. The following link is a good password policy resource. See how secure your password is. --------------------- You can do the same password generation from a shell or command line: On MAC using echo -n "" | shasum | xxd -r -p | base64 or On Linux using echo -n "" | sha1sum | xxd -r -p | base64 index.php is for browsers that can't run the JS version. ------------------- Based on PWCalc a password calculator: The programs above, while excellent, are limited to where they can be used. So I wrote Forever_Passwords in HTML/Javascript to attempt to make it accessible to all platforms and browsers. It's single file design allows you to easily store the code locally for stand alone systems. Tested with newest Chrome, Firefox, and IE 11.

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  • Zaktualizowano
    24 lutego 2019
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  • Języki
    Języki: 45
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