FocusGuard - Site Blocker & Focus Mode - Chrome'i veebipood
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FocusGuard - Site Blocker & Focus Mode

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Eliminate distractions and maximize productivity with a free site blocker. Create a custom blocklist, protect your privacy with…

If you want some time to browse online but hope to avoid a full-blown internet spiral, site blocker might be perfect for you. Set a time limit for distracting sites. When you reach the limit, a block goes into place. That means you still get to check your feed now and then, just not for too long or too often. Site blocker designed to help you stay focused on your studying, learning, and the work that matters. Blocks all time-westing websites to keep you productive and away from all the distractions the internet has to offer. To use Block site, simply set a password, decide which websites you want access to, and let site blocker to block the rest. If you want to visit a site you have blocked, just enter your password, and decide how long you want to be on the blocked site. If you’re a parent, you can set the password for child. Or, if you’d like to use it for yourself, have a friend or partner set it for you to help you commit. And voila! You now have a set of internet guardrails that help to help you stay productive and on task whether you’re studying, remote learning, or need an extra boost self-control to finish a project. ⭐️Features⭐️ 👉 Block sites including its subdomains Remove all distracting and harmful websites from your life by blocking them for you while you need to stay focused and productive. 👉 White list Add exceptions to the blocked websites list. Sites from this list avoid all blocking settings. 👉 Focus Mode The focus mode timer feature enables you to control your schedule via the Pomodoro technique timer. Break down your tasks into intervals followed by a short break. With ‘Focus Mode’ you can set times when to disable websites and when to browse freely - no willpower necessary. 👉 Time Management Show how many work cycles you completed during a session. You’ll be able to get all your tasks done and still have time to browse your favorite sites and apps in between. 👉 Password Protection If you strart focus mode you can stop it with a passcode of your choosing, making it that bit harder to procrastinate. You can also password protect the options page to keep you from easily removing sites from your list. 👉 Unstoppable Focus Mode Select the option to hide the pause and stop buttons in the extension settings. And you won't be able to stop blocking sites until the block time expires. 👉 Funny Blocked Page You will now see funny images if you are trying to enter a blocked site. To do this, you need to enable this option in the site blocking settings. You will still not be able to enter the blocked site, but perhaps a funny picture will make you smile :)) Block Site is one of the best productivity tools available to help people procrastinate less, become more productive and reach their life goals. You’ll never have to worry again about how to stay focused at work. So what are you waiting for? Download now and start taking control of your! *Note* To block sites in incognito mode you need to activate 'Allow run in incognito mode' checkbox in chrome://extensions page. Block Site Plus is a PIN code protected website blocker. Scheduled browser-wide site blocking The "Block Site Plus" is a unique app that allows you to implement scheduled browser-wide site blocking. How does it work? You simply protect the site you need with a PIN code. This app can also be used for parental control. Features: Easy to use; The settings page is protected by a PIN code; A four-digit numeric code is used as a password for blocked websites; Block sites in different ways depending on the day of the week and time. Our app will simplify your life where it is possible and will protect you where it is really necessary! A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector. *** Block Site is now on the safer manifest v2. Please report the compatibility bugs you are experiencing. You can export the current rules to a JSON file and send it to me to investigate. *** This extension will block access to websites of your choosing. A master password controls all customization options, as well as access to any blocked site. It's also possible to redirect navigation from one specific website to another. Features: 1. Block unwanted domains. 2. Prevent access to a range of websites using wildcard matching or regular expression matching. 3. Reverse mode allows access to only some hostnames and blocks access to all others. 4. Custom redirection; you can redirect a single blocked hostname to a new destination. 5. Display a custom message on blocked pages. 6. Time and date-based blocking. Only block access to the websites at specified times and dates. This feature can be configured per hostname. 7. Protect data leakage. This extension prevents certain hostnames from gathering network activity from your computer since blocking occurs before any network request is emitted to the server. 8. Auto-closes blocked tabs after some time. 10. Closes annoying pop-ups as soon as the opening request is received. 11. Pause and resume blocking from the right-click context menu of the toolbar button. 12. Support overwriting configurations by managed storage 13. Block cached page load with service worker 14. Block dynamic page change with history push method Easily block websites of your choice! Block Site is a browser addon to help you block desired websites. To operate, simply right-click on any webpage and then click on the "Block this website" context-menu item. The website will be added to the block list. Please note, the whole domain will be added to the block list, not just a URL. To change this list, open the options page, and remove the desired item. For any blocked domain, you can add a redirect URL in the options page. So instead of blocking a page, the website will be redirected to the desired URL. There is also an option to block desired iframes. To do so, please add the URL (for the iframe) in the designated area on the options page. Protect your time and experience by blocking waste websites. Block unwanted or malicious web sites permanently or on a schedule. Save your time and protect against visiting unwanted web resources. Block Site hides unwanted websites from you and protects your children from visiting them. Configure the application to block domains permanently or on a schedule. Choose working days and hours when you do not want to visit any domain or working days and hours for all blocked domains. Block Site is an advanced application for blocking inappropriate content. Useful features of the application: - Blocking sites for one or more domain names - Blocking sites by keywords - Setting a schedule for blocking content - Create a white list of domains Try our software now. Its 100% free to use. Block access to any site on your device Save your time, protect yourself and improve your browsing experience with absolutely free site blocker. This extension allows you to block certain websites. It pretty useful if you want to protect your children or just if you want to shield yourself from inappropriate content. Block website you want just in a few clicks. Site blocker may also come in handy if you don`t want to be annoyed by a certain website. In that case you just block site and forget about it. The extension is a real productivity tool that denies access to websites you don`t want to see. Surf the internet safely! Block website and keep working on your main tasks without being distracted. Click on the extension icon in the right upper corner of the chrome and open the app. Then you just paste the website address into the corresponding field and block site. You can also instantly use the url from the current chrome tab. Removing a website from the list is also pretty easy – one click and done. This new site blocker extension is pretty simple but pretty useful app. Focus on what matters most and don`t get distracted. This extension is going to help you increasing your productivity at workplace. Easy to install, easy to use and absolutely free extension specially for you!

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    24. jaanuar 2024
  • Pakub:
    Block Site
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    49 keelt
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