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137 ratings

Art & Design100,000 users

22 support issues

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Gonzalo Muñoz

Jan 17, 2025

no puedo crear lienzo

entro bien a la pagina cuando quiero crear un archivo un lienzo ahora no puedo

Jonatha Santos

Dec 30, 2024


Eu não consigo arrastar camadas, clico e seguro e nada acontece - já usei chatgpt e não resolveu. Text in Portuguese.

Salvatore Di Franco

Oct 28, 2024

Photopea online carica sempre un file se non si apre con foglio vuoto

Apro il programma al link
Ogni volta che apro il link per l'utilizzo online, mi carica un mio vecchio file pdf molto pesante, cioè 15,9 mb.
Quindi ogni volta che avvio il software cliccando sul link di apertura, Photopea si blocca per aprire questo file molto pesante, invece di aprire il software "vuoto".
Quindi l'interfaccia rimane bloccato per aprire quel file pdf.
Una volta aperto il file, se lo cancello dal foglio di lavoro, dopo qualche minuto Photopea si blocca nuovamente per riaprire lo stesso file.
come posso risolvere?


Mar 28, 2022

Download bug

Hello Developer,
i have Opera GX and i can't download the extension

Verla Herschell

Jun 25, 2021

PSD files from Photopea

How do you get Photopea PSD files to open in Photoshop 2021?

Gülistan Ekinci

Feb 25, 2021


yazı nasıl yazabilirim seçiyorum ama yazı yazmıyor

Ahmed Yaseen

Oct 26, 2020

converting PDF to PSD

I suggest to create a dedicated online services/convertor to convert PDF to PSD


Apr 14, 2020

PSD Files won't open

PSD Files won't open and if they did they're not showing up on the main screen.


Mar 14, 2020

Open with menu in chromebook

I use photopea as my favourite photo editor in my chromebook. The only issue I have is the lack of photopea in the context menu when I click on "open with" and obviously the possibility to add photopea as my favourite app for opening photos. Is there a way to do this? Another issue for me is the lack of choosing folder when i export a file. Is there a way to do this?

Jonas Byström

Dec 24, 2019

Photopea doesn't show as possible editor for files when they are SHARED or SHARED DRIVESt open jpg and png files on Gdrive which are SHARED or on SHARED DRIVES

I have gfx files on GDrive and Photopea installed. It works OK when the file is on MY drive. But it does not work OK when the file is shared (with edit rights) or on a shared drive (normal case for me).

What happens is:
- On a shared drive, I click on a JGP or PNG file. It opens for view.
- I click on "Open With" but there is no Photopea option visible. I can therefore not open the file with Photopea when on shared drive. Or, when shared.

- It works OK for JPG and PNG files which are located on MY drive.

Can this be fixed?
It would be great to be able to open files on share drives. This is our normal work scenario and without this feature, we can't really use Photopea which is a pity.

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