CS:GO Skin Tester: изображение логотипа

CS:GO Skin Tester


38 оценок

РасширениеДля удовольствия5 000 пользователей
Скриншот: 1


Test any CS:GO skin in-game on a test server.

This Google Chrome extension allows you to test any CS:GO skin in-game on a CS:GO community server. You can equip the skin, walk around with it, and inspect it in the actual game environment. How does it work? ========================== The Steam Community Market and most third party websites which deal with CS:GO skins have an "Inspect Link" that you can use to for the traditional in-game inspection of a skin. This extension takes such an inspect link and sends it to a CS:GO community server which you can join, and where you're then equipped with the skin from the inspect link. Usage ========================== Simply visit the Steam Community Market or any other third party website that supports inspect links for CS:GO skins, right-click on the inspect link, and click on "Test CS:GO skin in-game". You'll be connected to the CS:GO test server where you receive the skin. Here are some popular skin platforms that support inspect links and where this extension will work: ✓ steamcommunity.com ✓ cs.money ✓ bitskins.com ✓ skinport.com ✓ skinbaron.com ✓ swap.gg ✓ And many others!

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