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FlyMSG: AI Writer & Autofill Text Expander

77 ratings

ExtensionTools6,000 users

9 support issues

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Claudio Alessandro

May 10, 2024

"Sign in to start using the FlyMSG Extension " this text interrups my text on gmail

"Sign in to start using the FlyMSG Extension " this text interrups my text on gmail . I need to remove these suggestion from my compose emails


Dec 4, 2023

Dosent work in ZohoMail PLEASE FIX IT

I bought it to use mainly in my Zohomail account, to respond to emails, but it simply doesn't work to respond to emails from Zoho, it doesn't generate texts using the shortcuts within Zoho's email response field. Please correct this, otherwise I will have wasted money investing in your tool.

Iwan Sutedja

May 18, 2023

Cannot add new FlyCut

Everytime I try to add new FlyCut, error message pop-up "Technical Error! Please contact administrator."

Maxibel Móveis para Salão

Mar 14, 2023

FlyMSG isn't working with

Since last upgrade, FlyMSG isn't working with . When you type the shortcut, FlyMSG replace by a empty text. But works very well with other sites, like GMail.

W. de Boer

Oct 11, 2022

text expansion does not work

Hi ,
the tool worked flawless till a few weeks ago. I logged in and out,, refreshed pages but it does not work. Do I have to update my chrome browser?


Oct 11, 2022

Does Not Expand

Today, the FLYMsg expander did not Expand ?
All shortcuts used- were Just Highlighted (on recognition), without Expanding the associated text.
This happenned a few times Before - and Just Reloading helped - But Not today.

Another clue is that the FM Logo at the top next to my URL - does not bring up the EDIT Entry Screen. You Click and Nothing Happens

Please Help


Apr 14, 2022

I'm unable to log in

Unable to log in and i have tried it with the another account also please help me out.

Willem de Jongh

Mar 31, 2022

Does not work with Zoho CRM

Hi, I just starting to use the tool but have not been able to make it work with Zoho CRM when creating email.
Is there something I have to check?

Tim Edmonds

Mar 8, 2022

Expanding as plain text.

Hi - is there a way to have a flycut expand to just plain text? ie, with no font or formatting? I would like to use it to paste into gmail compose but the pasted text looks different to the rest of the message.


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