Flip this - Chrome Web Store
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Flip this


165 avis

ExtensionPour vous divertir40 000 utilisateurs
Capture d'écran 3 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 1 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 2 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 3 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 1 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 1 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 2 de l'élément multimédia
Capture d'écran 3 de l'élément multimédia


Flip/rotate page or html elements.

The extension that flips everything! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Flip/rotate the current page (just click the button) or apply the transformations to single html elements via context menu. The blue 'f' icon in the extension's button represents the current orientation of the page, while the red 'f' reflects the future state of the page, i.e. the orientation it will have when the button is clicked. You can change the default "whole page" transformations in the options page (right-click on the button and select Options). Options include: - autoFlip: automatically transform every new opened page - flipX: flip the page horizontally - flipY: flip the page vertically - rotate: set the rotation angle - animate: animate the transformation - contextMenu: enable the 'Flip this' context menu - highlight: highlight right-clicked html element (press and hold) - whitelist URL pattern: enable the extension only on URLs that match this regex pattern (e.g.: use 'google' to enable the extension only on URLs that contain the word 'google' in them) Made this extension just for fun and to experiment with css and the chrome api (and to trick some of my friends using autoFlip, an appropriate URL pattern and hiding the button:). See my other (_useful_) extension at https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bnahceedpdkaiojgdpddkkdkmjkabfgb Transformations cannot be applied to all elements, some of them seem to be immune (like many anchor tags or spans), but they should work fine on all divs, images, paragraphs, etc... FALSE! Now (v2.15) you can flip nearly everything! -- NB: The extension will work only on new tabs (and by the way NOT in the Extension Gallery), so please refresh your tabs or open new ones in order for the extension to operate properly -- Also, don't worry, the extension doesn't collect any personal data, but the permission is required for the script to run on all pages. Change log: v0.2 - new highlight (outline) feature - works with spans and anchors - modified context menu (less clicks) - injected in all frames

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  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
    30 mai 2023
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