نظرة عامة
iMindQ Online is a free mind mapping app where you can create mind maps, concept maps and make presentations with a single click.
iMindQ Online is a web based mind mapping application that provides an extraordinary online mind mapping experience and a great place for users to organize ideas visually and express their creativity. iMindQ Online is the only mind mapping web application that provides great flexibility in terms of usage connected to storing your mind maps on five external storages: Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, Box and Yandex.Disk. iMindQ Online has a clean-cut minimalistic user interface and an appealing organization of the main menu from where you can easily navigate through the toolbars to insert topics and ideas and format their style, text, colors, etc. You can also insert links, notes and images within your subtopics and enrich or complement the information shown in each. There are also many other multi-media parts like a variety of icons, images, shapes, themes and patterns that can be inserted into your mind map topics and liven up any concept you would like to present to your audience. In iMindQ Online you can present your mind map with just one click and you have the freedom to choose when wanting to focus on a certain subtopic or other element, while you give your presentation.
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- الإصدار4.3
- تم التحديث6 أبريل 2017
- الحجم7.1KiB
- اللغاتEnglish
- مطوّر برامج
- غير تاجرلم يعرِّف هذا المطوِّر نفسه بصفته جهة تجارية. بالنسبة إلى المستهلكين في الاتحاد الأوروبي، يُرجى العِلم أنّ حقوق المستهلك لا تسري على العقود المُبرمة بينك وبين هذا المطوِّر.
للحصول على مساعدة بخصوص الاستفسارات أو الاقتراحات أو المشاكل، يُرجى فتح هذه الصفحة على متصفّحك المتوافق مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر المكتبي