Naruto Hokage (1920x1080): изображение логотипа

Naruto Hokage (1920x1080)


951 оценка

Тема2 000 пользователей
Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 2
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 1
Скриншот: 2


This is theme with Naruto. Here Naruto is Hokage. I hope you enjoyed this theme. Rate it please. OTHER RESOLUTIONS: 1280x800 -…

This is theme with Naruto. Here Naruto is Hokage. I hope you enjoyed this theme. Rate it please. OTHER RESOLUTIONS: 1280x800 - UPD HISTORY: 22/05/2015 - v1.0.0 Uploaded a theme. 30/05/2015 - v1.1 Updated logo. 30/09/2015 - v1.1.1 Updated image on tabs. 11/02/2016 - v1.1.2 Fixed toolbar. 27/05/2017 - v1.2.0-v1.2.4 Updated with new chrome. 10/06/2018 - v1.2.5 Updated with new chrome. 17/06/2018 - v1.2.6 Returned header image. 17/08/2018 - v1.2.7 Updated to new chrome 'refresh' design. 20/08/2018 - v1.2.8 Fixed images and changed colors If you have nice pictures, and want to see a theme with your picture send it to, if I liked it I add a theme with that picture and leave your nickname in description. NOTE: I do not own this picture. If any material presented violates Your copyrights, or discredits Your company by providing incorrect or corrupted information, please contact me via email to resolve this issue.

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  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    20 августа 2018 г.
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