Add queue functionality to Netflix for non-US users.
(NOTE: Netflix now offers lists in all markets, so you probably don't need this anymore) Chrome Extension to build a list of Netflix movies to watch. For the rest of the world that doesn't have Netflix Queue access. **Features** * Adds a NetflixQ button. Click that, and it will add to your list. * Click on the Red Star icon in your toolbar, and you will see your list of movies you want to watch. Why? ---- Just subscribed to netflix.ca, and was browsing the movies. I couldn't find a 'digital' queue for what I wanted to watch later. Seems like an obvious feature for them to have built in, so wonder if I'm missing something obvious? In any case, I suppose I could just bookmark the movies, but I wanted to make a chrome extension. This seemed like a simple enough use case. Who? ---- If you have any issues or problems to report, best way is through the github repo dedicated to this extension: http://github.com/meeech/netflixq Feedback welcome through github, or via twitter: @meeech I use some icons from Circular Icons - http://prothemedesign.com/circular-icons/ In case this isn't obvious, I and this extension have no relation to Netflix.
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- Верзија1.1.3
- Ажурирано28. октобар 2015.
- Величина54.62KiB
- ЈезициEnglish
- Програмер
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