4.3 out of 5

23 ratings

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NBC Snake 2023 (Est. 2008)Sep 29, 2021

Does Not work.

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Jamie ChamberlainSep 20, 2021

Does not work because when i add the extension it says "This browser is no longer supported"

1 person found this review to be helpful
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Xander WApr 23, 2021

No longer works. As soon as I added the extension, I cleared cookies and reloaded the tab on which Twitter was. "This browser is no longer supported."

3 out of 3 found this helpful
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Elizabeth Lomax-LaidlawJan 23, 2021

This does not work any more

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JonesyJSUJul 21, 2020

Stopped Twitter from bouncing around constantly after nothing else did. Thanks!

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e vFeb 22, 2020

works almost perfectly (the character counter is still just a circle, although i don't remember if they added that before they got rid of the old layout). i kind of expected twitter to have just completely removed the old layout; i'm glad they didn't, so this great extension can make it accessible again. thank you Zasz!

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ちょむJan 19, 2020

Works great

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ruben.Sep 6, 2019

I love the extension but I was wondering if the creator could add a way to block it from being enable on mobile Twitter url (mobile.twitter.com) so I can use the bookmark feature.

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tyjr12Aug 31, 2019

Does as advertised but there's a slight issue. If you click on a tweet it doesn't show the replies and all the things twitter usually does. Instead it opens the tweet on that titter's homepage. May wanna fix that but does the job otherwise

4 out of 4 found this helpful
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JAug 4, 2019

Thank you!

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