Finwiz SEC plugin
5 ratings
)ExtensionWorkflow & Planning34 users
Helps you graph data in SEC filings.
When you visit a 10-Q or 10-K filing on, the plugin will automatically create 'smart-links' on the left-hand side. The smart-link, if clicked, will take you to a graph of historical data. For example, you can visit Barnes and Noble 10-Q filing, click on "Cash and Cash Equivalents" in the Balance Sheet, then see a graph of the data. You can see this process in the screenshots posted.
4.8 out of 55 ratings
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- Version1.5
- UpdatedJuly 30, 2017
- Offered byalexguo123
- Size6.04KiB
- LanguagesEnglish (United States)
- Developer
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