Item logo image for Donna Karan

Donna Karan


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Theme9,000 users

15 support issues

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Marie saurez

Jul 15, 2017

Testimony of very serious loan

Hello everyone, I apologize for this message on your wall
This message is addressed to individuals, the poor, or anyone in need of a particular loan
To rebuild their lives.You are looking for a loan to either restart your activities, or for the realization of a project,
Either to buy you an apartment But you are banished ban or your record has been rejected at the bank.
One day a friend advised me a particular lender she gave me the e-mail. I tried it with him by email and then it worked.
I received my loan from this Mr. JEAN DARON and many of my colleagues also received without difficulty.
Thank you for contacting her and also passing the message on to those in need as she is there to bring out the genders in difficulties.

Grace H

Jan 6, 2016


I love the background and clear bookmarks bar!!!

K maelym

Dec 18, 2015

Não instala

Não consigo instalar tema algum :/

Евгений Мироненко

Dec 16, 2015

Немогу установить тему или приложение

Немогу установить приложение или тему пишет Ошибка : Файлы отсутствуют.


Sep 9, 2015

Sale erro

¿Qué puedo hacer? :'/

Melisa KARA

Sep 5, 2015



Alejandra HM

Jul 14, 2015


alguien me podria ayudar porque no puedo intalarlo me sale net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

rafael uzhca

Jun 19, 2015

sale error

no se pone sale error


Jun 4, 2015


No lo puedo descargar :c

lina maria bermudez

Mar 27, 2015

no puedo escojer un tema

escojo cualquier tema para el fondo de chrome y se demora mucho al final no me deja escojer algun tema

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