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130 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning10,000 users

67 support issues

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Sergey Rakov

Jun 15, 2023


Why does the YiNote extension not match what is shown in the video under the same extension, namely the interface and design of the extension itself? What does this have to do with? Also, the extension doesn't work correctly.

Sergey Rakov

Jun 15, 2023


Почему расширение YiNote несоответствует тому что показано в видеоролике под этим же расширением, а именно интерфейс и дизайн самого расширения? С чем это связано? Также расширение некоректно работает.

Sri Harsha Guthikonda

Feb 23, 2022

same title for multiple videos

many videos are named with the same title and thumbnail.!

and is it possible to bulk export all the videos to onenote?

Juri Strumpflohner

Feb 1, 2022

Sidepanel not closing

Looks like the side-panel is not closing any more when clicking the toggle button. This has been an issue for a while. Is YInote open source or something where a fix could be contributed?


Aug 21, 2021

Link to Google Docs does not work

I see that this has been a long standing problem. Is it really that hard to fix?

On the other hand, all other forms of export DO work, despite other reports here. I am not hampered by the Google Docs problem as I can easily use PDF, OneNote, Evernote and probably other methods I have not found in the last hour I've been playing with it.

This is an extraordinarily useful tool. If you are considering changes, please focus your attention on the user interface. It is not at all clear how to get to the various features. It took me forever to try the gear icon to export my notes. You have to admit, that is pretty counterintuitive.

Thanks again for your good work.

Damsil Kim

Mar 4, 2021

no longer supporting google docs?

pdf and markdown export is also not working. Google docs is not working either. Are they no longer possible?

Ronald Davis

Jan 13, 2021

No images on the pdf

Am not able to see the video clips when I click to the PDF page. There's just a black box where the image should be.

patida maier

Nov 8, 2020

cant send to google docs

I am unable to integrate my google account and send my notes to Google Docs as the error shows up "Sign in temporarily disabled for this app".

Deshai Pranav

Oct 22, 2020

Unable to sign in to Google account

I am unable to integrate my google account and send my notes to Google Docs as the error shows up "Sign in temporarily disabled for this app". Please respond ASAP as I have many notes to upload to my Google Docs, which I use in my current workflow very heavily.

Jacky edison

Aug 24, 2020



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