Measure the surrounding sound (dB) and noise with your computer's microphone!
Sound Meter (Noise & Decibel) extension enables you to measure the surrounding sound (dB) and noise with your computer's microphone. This add-on helps you easily measure some important sound factors, such as the sound level in decibel, noise level, sound average, and normalized sound value. When you open the app for the first time, it may ask you about microphone access. Please accept the dialog box to start the add-on. Also, note that the app may take a few seconds before getting ready. So please be patient while the add-on is getting ready. Once the loader is disappeared, the add-on is ready to use. It uses the microphone in your system to capture the surrounding sound. If your computer does not have a microphone, please attach one to it before using the add-on. On the top toolbar within the interface, you see several pieces of information about the surrounding sound. You can also change the capturing sound API via the buttons at the top-right. Note: The interface for this app can be opened in a separate window, new tab, or toolbar popup (choose a context from the toolbar button's right-click menu). When you open the app for the first time, please open it in the window or tab to see the microphone permission dialog. If you see any bug or have a feature request, please fill out the bug report form on the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/sound-meter.html).
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- Version0.1.6
- Uppdaterat15 januari 2025
- Erbjudandet kommer frånloora
- Storlek135KiB
- SpråkEnglish
- Utvecklare
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