Festive Christmas Cookie Shapes: Trees, Stars, and Wreaths: vienuma logotipa attēls

Festive Christmas Cookie Shapes: Trees, Stars, and Wreaths

Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 1


These festive cookies are a delightful treat for the holiday season, featuring fun and charming shapes that celebrate the Christmas…

These festive cookies are a delightful treat for the holiday season, featuring fun and charming shapes that celebrate the Christmas spirit. The Christmas tree cookies are decorated with colorful icing and sparkling sprinkles, capturing the essence of a beautifully adorned tree. The star-shaped cookies glisten with a touch of sugar, evoking the brightness of a starry winter night. Meanwhile, the wreath-shaped cookies bring to mind the traditional holiday decorations, complete with delicate green icing and red accents that mimic holly berries. Perfect for sharing with family and friends, these cookies not only look festive but taste delicious, adding joy to any holiday gathering.

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    2025. gada 3. janvāris
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