Imagen del logotipo del elemento para one sec | Website Blocker, Focus, Screen Time, Digital Detox, ADHD

one sec | Website Blocker, Focus, Screen Time, Digital Detox, ADHD

695 valoraciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación20.000 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (5)
Miniatura del vídeo del elemento
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (5)
Miniatura del vídeo del elemento
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Miniatura del vídeo del elemento
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (5)

Descripción general

one sec gives you the chance to think twice – before you get sucked into an endless loophole designed to draw you in for hours.

one sec forces you to take a deep breath whenever you open social media or other distracting websites. It’s as simple as effective: You will reduce your social media usage just by becoming aware of it. one sec is the focus app that tackles the problem of unconscious social media use at its root. It is designed to change your habits on a long-term basis. You just wanted to check that one message – and ended up scrolling for 30 minutes on Instagram? Social media companies use psychological traps to keep you hooked and spend as much time on their apps as possible. Time that could be spent so much better – with your family and friends, getting work done or for your hobbies and wellbeing. Many apps and tools block social media for a limited amount of time to help you focus. This might increase your productivity for the moment, but the real problem – your habitual urge to check apps and websites to get that dopamine boost – stays. The one sec Chrome Extension is designed from ground up to keep your information private and secure. There are no accounts, no login, no tracking, no profiling. All data is stored offline, on-device, and only you can access it. I make money selling apps and subscriptions, not your data! one sec is also available for iPhone, iPad, and Android Devices to block native apps and websites. More info on my website.

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    5 de noviembre de 2024
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
  • Desarrollador GmbH
    Filderstraße 71/1 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 70771 DE
    Sitio web
    Correo electrónico
    +34 695 42 46 07
  • Operador
    Este desarrollador se ha identificado como operador según la definición de la Unión Europea.
  • D-U-N-S


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